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USUM Investment Group, as Chongqing's biggest private investment group, became in June 2015 the biggest shareholder of SEHK-listed Chiho environmental group limited (HK00976), China's biggest mixed scrap metal recycling company. In December 2016, via Chiho environmental group, USUM acquired Germany's Scholz Holding GmbH, a global giant of metal recycling, sealing USUM's leading position in the world's industry of resources recycling.


Chiho environmental group is a recycler specialized in mixed metal scrap recycling, Automobile disassembling and processing, and resource recycling.Scholz was incorporated in 1872. As the world's leading enterprises of renewable metal recycling, Scholz has many metal scrap yards throughout West and East Europe and wasted automobile recycling business in 26 countries.


Company Website: http://www.usum.com.cn

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